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GSoC Roadmap

Published: at 09:22 PMSuggest Changes

Google Summer of Code (GSoC) Roadmap

This document outlines the roadmap for participating in Google Summer of Code (GSoC), providing guidance for students and organizations involved in this open-source program.

Understanding GSoC

Key Phases of GSoC

  1. Pre-Application Phase

    • Research organizations and projects.
    • Engage with the community through mailing lists and forums.
    • Understand project requirements and expectations.
  2. Application Phase

    • Write a detailed proposal outlining your project idea, timeline, and deliverables.
    • Submit the proposal before the deadline.
    • Seek feedback from mentors and revise accordingly.
  3. Community Bonding Period

    • Familiarize yourself with the codebase and tools.
    • Establish communication with your mentor and community.
    • Finalize your project plan and set milestones.
  4. Coding Phase

    • Implement your project according to the timeline.
    • Regularly update your mentor on progress.
    • Participate in community discussions and code reviews.
  5. Evaluation Periods

    • Submit your work for evaluation at the end of each phase.
    • Address feedback and make necessary improvements.
    • Prepare for final evaluations by showcasing your contributions.
  6. Final Submission

    • Complete your project and submit all required documentation.
    • Present your work to the community.
    • Celebrate your achievements and reflect on your experience.

Tips for Success


This roadmap should help you navigate the GSoC journey and maximize your chances of success in contributing to open-source projects.

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